Break up with Plastic

Every 5th of June, for the last four decades, World Environment Day has been raising awareness, supporting action, and driving change for the protection of our environment.

World Environment Day is the United Nation's initiative that was started in 1974. Its one of the biggest annual events with over 143 countries participating to advocate environmental causes. This year India is the global host of 2018 World Environment Day. With “Beat Plastic Pollution” as the theme for this year's edition, the world is coming together to combat single-use plastic pollution.

beat plastic pollution

Did you know?

Today the world produces about 300 million tonnes of plastic waste every year. That’s roughly the weight of the entire human population.

That up to 5 trillion plastic bags are used every year. That’s nearly 10 million plastic bags every minute.

In the last decade, we produced more plastic than in the whole last century.

50% of the plastic we use is single-use or disposable.

Plastic bags have been found on the summit of Everest, on the polar ice caps, and in the deepest parts of the ocean.

And these are just some of the horrifying facts on plastic pollution that the United Nations Environment programme has brought to our attention. How this impacts our environment is unimaginable.

reuse refuse

The whole sustainable shift has begun around the world. Different kinds of green initiatives are picking up steam. In the last few years, a host of brands have stepped in to do their part.

At Cottonworld, It's been a part of our brand philosophy. And we wish to share our company values with you. Our garments are respectful to both people and planet.

Cottonworld’s initiatives to beat plastic pollution have been ongoing. We were one of the first ones to give up using plastic shopping bags long before they were banned. We switched to eco-friendly, reusable cloth tote bags made from recycled bed sheets.

As an extension to our Spring Summer 2018 campaign, Kalki Koechlin supports us by saying no to plastic.


Our message to you is simple:

To consume with care.

To be aware and to do what you can.

To take one step at a time to reconsider what you are buying.

And that’s what we at Cottonworld are all about! We invite you to think about how we are part of nature and how closely we depend on it. We want you to find ways to experience and cherish this fundamental relationship with nature. To understand the importance of taking action to protect the Earth that we share.

Support responsible fashion and responsible living. Together we can celebrate World Environment Day.

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